Hello there, I see you've stumbled into The Ministry. Allow me to give you a brief tour:
The Ministry of Fools was born out of a love for Monty Python (The Ministry of Silly Walks) and the artwork of Terry Gilliam in particular, all things magic, trickster archetypes, and The Fool.
The Ministry of Fools was born out of a love for Monty Python (The Ministry of Silly Walks) and the artwork of Terry Gilliam in particular, all things magic, trickster archetypes, and The Fool.
The Fool is the 0 point in the Major Arcana and represents unlimited potential. The Major Arcana is the Fool’s journey through life. Whether you embody The Magus or The Empress at various times, the Fool will always be the beginning and the end. The infinite world of possibilities.
Mercurial and trickster archetypes are masters of open roads (new beginnings), hidden pathways, passage between worlds, and a way out when there appears to be no way out.
The Ministry of Fools also serves as a perpetual reminder to never take ourselves too seriously. This is especially important for artists. The Fool represents innocence, and as such, only the Fool can speak truth to the king.
By day The Ministry serves as an art studio where jewelry, art, papier-mâché and mischief are made.
For more information please contact: sarah@theministryoffools
Sarah Quenon
Tour Guide
The Ministry of Fools
By day The Ministry serves as an art studio where jewelry, art, papier-mâché and mischief are made.
For more information please contact: sarah@theministryoffools
Sarah Quenon
Tour Guide
The Ministry of Fools